Sunday, August 9, 2009

Last Sabbath Together

The most precious thing a church has... Young people! These fellows spent their last Sabbath together for a while.

They have been together Sabbath after Sabbath for sometime. Just last year, Kelvin Bidwell, on the far right, went off to college. In just 4 days, young Andrew MacLean, on the far left, will be off to college himself. Peter and Kendall are still in high school, but their day is coming.

I thought you might want to take a look at these fine strong young men. I told Andrew he already looks like a professor! May their lives be in God's hands in the days ahead.

Here is Ernie's Sabbath School class.

Yours truly preached this Sabbath. I preached on the Sanctuary. Perhaps the sermon will be up one day!

Adding Sermons

One of the things that we have been wanting to do for a little while has been to get some of our church sermons on the internet. While it has taken some time, we are now beginning to get some of them up. It does take some time, but it will be worth it when it is done. Kind of like our church paint job!

Actually, there should be some more photos of the church paint job project coming soon. Ernest, Deane, and some others have been repairing some of the clapboard, and there has been some powerwashing going on as well.

Back to the sermons... This next batch of sermons (not sure how many) will actually contain the entire worship service. It is actually nice to listen to the entire service when you have time. It really gives you a better feeling for the personality of the church. We may go to just sermons in the future, though.

In any case, enjoy!